Inpex supplies Shizuoka Gas with carbon-neutral LNG cargo

Business Developments & Projects

Japan’s oil and gas producer Inpex has supplied a carbon-neutral LNG cargo of approximately 70,000 tonnes to compatriot gas utility Shizuoka Gas.

Sodeshi LNG; Courtesy of SHIMIZU LNG
Inpex supplies Shizuoka Gas with carbon-neutral LNG cargo
Sodeshi LNG; Courtesy of SHIMIZU LNG

This carbon-neutral LNG shipment arrived at the Sodeshi LNG terminal. Shimizu LNG, a Shizuoka Gas group company, operates the said terminal, located in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.

The carbon footprint of the LNG cargo is offset using carbon credits applied to ghg emissions across the entire supply chain. This includes upstream production, liquefaction, transportation, regasification, marketing, and combustion by customers in Japan.

The carbon credits meet the Verified Carbon Standard deriving from ghg reduction efforts at global forest conservation projects, specifically.

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Also, this is Shizuoka Gas’ maiden carbon-neutral LNG cargo.

Most importantly, this cargo delivery aligns with Inpex’s zero emissions by 2050 goals. It also represents an initiative to provide a solution to the social need of utilizing LNG in a cleaner manner.