TWD Unveils Monopile Sling Connector

Research & Development

Temporary Works Design (TWD) has revealed the monopile sling connector, a remote-controlled solution for applying the rigging of monopiles.

Source: TWD

Once positioned on the monopile, the monopile sling connector will guide the sling around the monopile without the need for human interference, TWD said.

During lifting, the load is transferred directly from the sling, through link plates, to the rigging. In between lifts or during transport, the monopile sling connector can be sea fastened on either deck or the monopile itself.

According to the Dutch company, as monopiles are getting bigger and slings will need to be attached in more difficult to access locations, the work can become both a challenging and time-demanding job.

The monopile sling connector is diameter adjustable and speeds up the rigging operation, TWD said, adding that it allows for safe rigging attachment on jack-up vessels and floating installation vessels.