Atmos Consulting Joins Seagreen Roster


Seagreen Wind Energy Limited has commissioned Atmos Consulting to act as onshore Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) on the 1,075MW Seagreen wind farm off Scotland.

Under the contract, Atmos Consulting will monitor contractor compliance with environmental safeguards on the offshore wind farm.

Situated over 27 kilometres off the Angus coast, the Seagreen project comprises the Seagreen Alpha and Bravo offshore wind farms.

Scheduled to be operational in 2024, Seagreen Alpha and Bravo will form the largest wind farm in Scotland.

Seagreen is one of the projects that won Contracts for Difference (CfD) in the UK’s third allocation round in September 2019.

Seagreen Phase 1 within the zone secured a 15-year contract for 454MW at a strike price of GBP 41.61/MWh in auction delivery year 2024/25.

Speaking about the appointment Atmos MD, Jean Curran, said: “Atmos Consulting is delighted to be working with Seagreen on this vitally important project in our energy infrastructure. At a time when climate change has never been so much in the spotlight, and with Scotland setting ambitious targets to meet, the role of the environmental consultant is key in supporting sustainable development.

Seagreen offshore wind farm is wholly owned by SSE Renewables. The wind farms will feature up to 114 MHI Vestas wind turbines.