Fussey Engineering Backs Hornsea Two Connection

Project & Tenders

Siemens Energy has selected Fussey Engineering to supply and install steel framework and cladding at the National Grid 400kV substation site adjacent to the Hornsea Two offshore wind project.

The steelworks, which will involve the construction of an annex building adjoining the National Grid substation, includes around 30t of locally-sourced steel.

Construction of the building annex is anticipated to be completed on 1 April, and once done, it will house the switchgear to control the feed into the national grid.

“Here at Fussey Engineering we are proud to be involved in this small part in creating what is to be the largest offshore wind farm in the world,” said Michael Fussey, Director of Fussey Engineering.

“As a company we have been working for Siemens and their clients nationwide for almost 20 years, it is a pleasant change for all members of our team to have been awarded this prestigious project just 1 mile away from our head office.” 

The 1.4GW Hornsea Project Two will feature 165 Siemens Gamesa 8MW turbines installed some 89km from the Yorkshire coast.

It will become the world’s biggest offshore wind farm when operational in 2022.