NEMOS Strengthens Danish Ties

Research & Development

German company NEMOS has started its cooperation with Danish service providers Aalborg University (AAU) and DanWEC (Danish Wave Energy Center).

In the first phase, AAU will support NEMOS with simulations of its wave energy device, while DanWEC will provide access to historical and live wave data from its Hanstholm test site.

The collaboration announcement follows last year’s visit from Ocean Energy Scale-up Alliance partners to further develop service offers and develop a holistic accelerator programme.

The 2019 WEC prototype features an 8 x 2 meter floater and a 16 meters long substructure. The WEC prototype tested in Ostend, Belgium was deployed next to the NEMOS research tower that has been installed on-site to control and surveil the trials.

NEMOS said it intends to perform longer duration tests in more challenging sea conditions to prove long-time operation and extreme event survivability.