Orbital Marine Recognized with Made in Scotland Award

Research & Development

Orbital Marine Power was named as the Insider Made in Scotland Award winner 2019 at the 4th annual awards event in the Glasgow Science Centre for its work in developing tidal energy technology.

Andrew Scott, CEO of Orbital, attending the awards said:

We are honoured and delighted with this recognition for an achievement built on a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication from the team in Orbital over many years. And we are excited to already be working on the next chapter of our Made in Scotland journey, in the build of the commercial O2 turbine; confident it will bring about the start of a global tidal energy industry.

The independent judging panel said of Orbital that “The company excels in an important sector and builds on the strengths of engineering in Scotland and looks to the future.”

The judges also said that it “demonstrates innovation in more than one way” and that “Orbital has a technology which is eminently scalable anywhere”.

The Business Insider Made in Scotland Awards in partnership with the University of Strathclyde’s Advanced Forming Research Centre champions all aspects of transformational discoveries and developments made in Scotland.