Atlantis: MeyGen Reaches 12 GWh Milestone

Operations & Maintenance

SIMEC Atlantis Energy, a sustainable energy generation company, has said that its tidal energy project MeyGen has exported 12GWh of power to the grid.

Photo: Atlantis

According to the company’s social media update, this represent a new record of exported tidal energy to the grid, surpassing SeaGen tidal stream generator.

The MeyGen project, one of the largest tidal stream projects in the world, formally entered the 25-year operations phase in April 2018.

The project is split into several phases.

Most recently, SIMEC Atlantis Energy awarded a contract to ETA Limited for the manufacture and delivery of the subsea tidal turbine connection system which will underpin the MeyGen extension activities known as Project Stroma.

Project Stroma will connect two additional Atlantis AR2000 turbines via the new subsea hub to a single power export cable which will then be connected via the MeyGen substation to the National Grid.