MaRINET2 Announces New Free Course on Offshore Renewables

Authorities & Government

MaRINET2 has launched its fifth free course on marine renewable energies, scheduled to happen from 22 to 24 April in Edinburgh, UK.

Illustration; ECN – Hydrodynamic and Ocean Engineering Tank (Photo: MaRINET2)

The short course, entitled “Test and verification processes from tanks to the sea”, will be hosted by project partners FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility and European Marine Energy Centre, EMEC.

These 2 to 5 days short courses are part of the Work Package 7, coordinated by WavEC, which aims to organize 10 short courses along the 54 months of the project.

Just like the previous version of the international project MaRINET, the courses are organized and lectured by project partners, distributed equally among thematic areas such as wind, wave and tidal.

Besides coordinating the short courses, WavEC is also hosting 3 of these courses.

The registration deadline is March 17.

MaRINET2 is a €10.5m project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, and coordinated by the MaREI (Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland) Centre in University College Cork. The project has been set up to accelerate the development of offshore renewable energy technologies by providing free-of-charge access to a network of 57 research facilities across Europe.