Tidal energy portal opens in Nova Scotia

Authorities & Government

The Offshore Energy Research Association of Nova Scotia (OERA) has launched the Nova Scotia Tidal Energy Research Portal.

Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/Creative Commons CC0)

The portal, commissioned by the Nova Scotia Department of Energy & Mines (NSDEM), is a user-friendly online site available to anyone, regardless of technical knowledge or background.

OERA currently shares marine renewable energy (MRE) research through initiatives both locally and internationally.

The development of a first of its kind tidal energy research portal, however, aggregates over a decade’s worth of research in a single, easy to search platform, the organization said.

Alisdair McLean, OERA’s Executive Director, said: “This new research sharing initiative is part of OERA and NSDEM’s commitment to ensure sustainable development of Nova Scotia’s tidal energy potential to the benefit of all its citizens.”

Derek Mombourquette, Nova Scotia’s Energy and Mines Ministe, said: “Tidal energy has the potential to create more jobs in rural communities, and help us reach our climate change goals. This portal will help Nova Scotia stay at the forefront of this rapidly developing sector by encouraging the collaboration and innovation needed to address technical challenges and advance our body of knowledge in marine renewables.“

The OERA is a not-for-profit organization that leads environmental, marine renewable and marine geoscience energy research initiatives through strategic partnerships with government, industry and academia.

As an independent agency without a legislative or regulatory mandate, the OERA engages multiple stakeholders to address critical research gaps to help reduce investment risk and contribute to the sustainable development of Nova Scotia’s offshore energy sector.