Stranded wave device to grow into artificial reef off Australia

Authorities & Government
Oceanlinx 1MW greenWave device, whose submerged parts will be turned into artificial reef (Photo: DPTI)

The complete removal of the stranded Oceanlinx wave energy converter has taken a different turn when the authorities in Southern Australia decided to pull out only part of the device from the sea, while leaving the rest of the structure to develop into artificial reef.

The local government has issued a tender for removal works of the machine that was to produce clean energy from waves, but sunk during transport off Carrickalinga, a coastal town in South Australia, over four years ago.

Oceanlinx 1MW greenWave device, whose submerged parts will be turned into artificial reef (Photo: DPTI)

The upper part of the device, developed by Australian company Oceanlinx, is set for full removal down to the submerged deck level of the structure, which will remain intact, according to government-issued tender that will close in the first half of October.

The lower part of the device, consisting of a steel crane base and a concrete base on which the crane is mounted, is reportedly going to be turned into marine life-friendly artificial reef, according to the Australian news reports.

“There was a survey that went around to gather some sort of consensus from the community as to what they would like to see happen.

“So I’m not surprised, and I don’t think the community’s surprised, the approach is to cut it down under the water line and let it become an artificial reef,” regional council mayor Glen Rowlands was reported as saying by ABC News Australia.

Oceanlinx’ 1MW wave energy device, named greenWave, has been left stranded since March 2014, despite claims that it would be removed within a year.

Due to the accident with the unit, Oceanlinx subsequently went out of business.