DesignPro device takes full shape for SEENEOH trials

Business & Finance

Irish company DesignPro Renewables has assembled its 25kW hydrokinetic turbine that will be deployed at the SEENEOH tidal test site in the French city of Bordeaux on Tuesday, September 25, 2018.

DesignPro Renewables 25kW tidal turbines (Photo: VALOREM Marine Solutions)

The two turbines have been assembled to the access platform, and will be deployed at the SEENEOH site tomorrow, according to VALOREM Marine Solutions – part one of the test site’s coordinators VALOREM group.

Once connected, the 25kW turbines will undergo extensive environmental and operational testing. In addition, power outputs will be closely monitored in order to officially validate and certify the company’s power curves to internationally recognized Bureau Veritas standards.

During this period, the DesignPro technology will be generating renewable power to the French grid, the Irish technology and project developer said earlier.

Its tidal power technology concept involves two vertical axis turbines placed on each side of a teardrop shaped vessel. The vessel, coupled with the blade pitch control system, speeds up the water into the turbines to produce significant energy in low flows of water, according to DesignPro.

The company has been funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 SME Instrument for the €2.7 million project to develop and commercialize its 25kW and 60kW hydrokinetic turbines for riverine and estuarine environments.