Oregon makes $2M grant splash. Tidal & wave fit to apply

Authorities & Government

Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) has made a share of its $2 million grant funding for renewables available for tidal and wave energy projects.

Under its Renewable Energy Development (RED) Grant program, ODOE is now accepting renewable energy project applications for qualified systems that produce electricity from various resources such as solar, hydroelectric, wind, as well as wave, tidal, and ocean thermal energy.

ODOE capped the grants at $250,000 per system and may not exceed 35% of the project cost.

The agency will allocate about $500,000 in RED Grant funds to projects sized up to 300kW, while another $1.5 million will be allocated to projects greater than 300kW.

Also, the system must not exceed 35MW of nameplate capacity to be eligible to apply, it is stated in the call.

Applicant must be a trade, business, or rental property owner with a business site in Oregon, or is an Oregon nonprofit organization, tribe or public entity, ODOE noted.

This is the seventh round of RED Grants offered by the agency and is open for applications until April 2, 2018.

ODOE said it expects to notify potential recipients of the grants in late spring.