Trianel Windpark Borkum opens tender for CPS work

Trianel Windpark Borkum opens tender for CPS work

Project & Tenders

Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum has issued a tender for subsea works on the cable protection systems (CPS) and bolt exchanges at diffusor plates at the Trianel Windpark Borkum project in Germany.

Trianel Borkum

The selected company will be in charge of installing 20 preventive CPS retrofits, four corrective CPS retrofits, as well as bolt exchange at six steel plates.

The installation phase is limited to 30 days with the option of extension by two times per one week.

The contract will start on 1 May and is planned to end on 31 December. It is set out to be a one-year contract, with the option to be prolonged for one more year – second campaign in 2022.

The deadline for submitting applications for the tender is 11 February by 12:00 local time.

The 200 MW Trianel Windpark Borkum comprises 40 Adwen 5 MW turbines which have been operational since 2015.

The project owner recently commissioned the project’s second phase, which features 32 Senvion 6.2 M152 turbines.