Video: US national labs share wave modeling know-how

Business & Finance

The WEC-Sim development team has released the recordings of the recently held wave energy modeling webinar, and announced another one for the next week.

The WEC-Sim team from Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) held the first in a series of WEC-Sim webinars that focus on applying different features of the WEC-Sim code to model wave energy converters (WECs) on April 18, 2017.

The webinar explained the ways to use the Bemio pre-processor to develop hydro-coefficients for WEC-Sim, and the Multiple Case Run (MCR) feature to create power matrices for evaluating WEC power performance.

The second webinar in the series has been set up for May 24, 2017. It will demonstrate how to use non-linear hydro, body-to-body interactions, non-hydro bodies, and model drag in WEC-Sim.

WEC-Sim, developed by NREL and Sandia Labs and funded by US Department of Energy, is an open-source wave energy converter simulator that aims to aid device manufacturers, project developers, and other interested parties to analyze and optimize proof-of-concept and prototype WEC devices.

Two more WEC-Sim webinars are being planned for this summer. The first one, scheduled to be held on June 7, 2017, will focus on power take-off (PTO) and control modeling aspects of WEC-Sim.

The last webinar of the series will explore mooring and visualization modeling, and is planned to be held on July 18, 2017.

Take a look at the recordings from the WEC-Sim Bemio pre-processor modeling webinar.