MRECo gets FERC permit for tidal test site

Authorities & Government
Illustration (Photo: MRECo)
Illustration (Photo: MRECo)

Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative (MRECo) has secured a preliminary permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to set up the Bourne Tidal Test Site in the Cape Cod Canal.

John Miller, MRECo Director, said, “This is the first and very important step to gaining all the regulatory permits required for the test site, which will be the first in the United States. MRECo was given preliminary permission to work in an area that covers more than just the spot where the actual structure will be. This was done to allow studies of adjacent areas that might be impacted.”

The Bourne Tidal Test Site is intended to facilitate the growth of a tidal energy industry in Massachusetts and is funded by the Massachusetts Seaport Economic Council. Representative David Vieira stressed the potential economic benefits of this new industry and the connections that can be made with local marine technology firms, local fabricators, and educational institutions in the region that are already training the clean energy workforce.

“I am pleased with the progress of the hydrokinetic tidal test site in the Cape Cod Canal. Not only is this an important step to advance the research & development of new technology, but the site has the potential to contribute to the economic development initiatives in Buzzards Bay. I want to thank the Seaport Economic Council, under the chairmanship of Lt. Governor Polito, for funding this project. Thanks also to the Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative of New England, the Bourne Board of Selectmen, the Bourne Financial Development Corporation, and the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber of Commerce for their support. I am proud to be part of this innovative step forward in responsible, renewable energy research & development,” said David Vieira.

MRECo will now move forward with additional environmental studies as required by the various town, state and federal agencies. Once complete, MRECo can begin the installation process, testing and evaluation of the systems and ultimately turbine designers will be able to bring their devices to the site for testing, the company informed.