DNV GL organizes webinar on tidal turbines risks

Business & Finance
Illustration (Image: DNV GL)
Illustration (Image: DNV GL)

Certification body for renewable energy services, DNV GL, has set up a webinar on risk and reliability for tidal turbines.

Experts from DNV GL will showcase their expertise on the evaluation, certification, and verification of tidal turbines.

The complimentary webinar is expected to offer insights on risk categories, development of reliable early stage prototypes, while also offering review of the lessons learned from other projects.

“2016 has witnessed the deployment of multiple tidal power turbines. However, having a long-term risk and reliability strategy will be essential for the sector’s development – especially for planning arrays. For this reason, we will host this complimentary online webinar to support developers, OEMs, investors and other stakeholders with their early stage prototypes,” DNV GL informed.

The webinar will be held on September 22, 2016.