Global Maritime Vryhof donates VR tech to MI CMS Canada

Research & Development

Global Maritime Vryhof has donated two new learning tools for anchor handling training to the Fisheries and Marine Institute (MI) of Memorial University’s Centre for Marine Simulation (CMS).

The Institute has been supplied with Vryhof’s Virtual Reality Moorings experience, enabling the students to walk on the seabed and inspect the moorings of different kinds of floaters by means of virtual reality glasses, MI Informed.

Vryhof is also providing scale model anchors  at 1:36 scale, replicating those typically used in a mooring line arrangement consisting of an anchor, five link adaptor, Global Maritime MoorLink chain swivel, studlink chain, chaser stopper and chaser.

Glenn Blackwood, Vice president at Memorial University’s Marine Institute, said: “This new equipment will provide our students and industry clients with an increased level of practical experience that they will be able to apply to their offshore work.”

Leopoldo Bello, Global Maritime Vice President for the Americas, said: “We trust that the models and the Virtual Reality Experience will provide the Centre for Marine Simulation means to enhance the operational and technical perspective of the students. Moreover, offshore activities in Newfoundland will require highly trained teams and understanding of mooring fundamentals.
Global Maritime St. John’s office will continue to support the Centre to further develop training materials.”

Global Maritime Vryhof provides drag anchors and related mooring equipment for larger floating structures, to the offshore energy industries as well as for offshore civil applications.

The Centre for Marine Simulation is an industrial arm of the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University operating under MI’s School of Maritime Studies working on solving the simulation problems for its clients.