WES to issue new wave energy call

Authorities & Government

Wave Energy Scotland (WES) has revealed plans to issue a third competitive call for the development of wave energy technology this summer.

The third competitive call will be announced around mid-July, and it will likely be exploring Structural Materials and Manufacturing Processes, WES informed.

WES is funding the development of innovative technologies to produce low cost, efficient and reliable components and subsystems which will form the basis of the cost effective generation of wave energy in Scotland.

The current programme includes 17 power take-off projects and 8 novel wave energy converter projects together with 4 research projects in related fields.

The programme is designed to enable developers to take projects from the earliest stage of development through to proving and demonstration.

WES is fully funded by the Scottish Government and has a budget of £10 million until the end of the financial year in 2017.

The organisation was established as part of Highlands and Islands Enterprise, at the request of the Scottish Government, in December 2014.