TEAMER eyes new testing facilities

Research & Development

The Testing Expertise and Access to Marine Energy Research (TEAMER) program is looking to expand its network of testing facilities in support of the future calls for technical assistance.

University of New Hampshire Engineering Tank - one of the TEAMER testing facilities (Courtesy of TEAMER/University of New Hampshire)
University of New Hampshire Engineering Tank – one of the TEAMER testing facilities (Courtesy of TEAMER/University of New Hampshire)

The TEAMER program, whose goal is to simplify access and reduce costs of testing for marine and hydrokinetic technology developers, is now accepting applications for additional facilities to join the program’s facility network for the third round of requests for technical support (RFTS) and beyond.

The term ‘facility’ includes both physical infrastructure as well as expertise capabilities, such as modelling and analysis services, according to TEAMER.

Potential facilities should submit an application by 4 December, 2020.

All applications will undergo an evaluation by the TEAMER Technical Board prior to notifications being made in advance of the third RFTS, which will start in spring 2021.

To remind, the second round of TEAMER’s RFTS has been scheduled to launch on November 9, 2020.

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Backed by the U.S. Department of Energy, the TEAMER program is open to applicants seeking technology support with modeling and analysis, laboratory and bench tests, as well as tank, flume, tunnel, and basin tests.

The program is expected to launch three to four annual open funding calls over the course of three years, and distribute approximately $13 million.

The 16 developers and researchers, selected in the first RFTS launched by TEAMER, have been revealed earlier in October.