Indonesia launches clean energy CoE

Business & Finance

Indonesia, together with the International Energy Agency (IEA), has launched a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Clean Energy at the opening of the Bali Clean Energy Forum last week.

The Bali-based centre aims to provide world-leading research and development in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

It is an integrated center for research, development of research results, education, and capacity building implementation.

The centre will also serve to facilitate the investment in clean energy development with three main needs: information, technology, and financing.

Sudirman Said, Indonesia’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, said: “CoE will become a connecting channel for national preparedness in realizing an energy system based on clean and sustainable energy sources, because it supports efforts to accelerate the development of renewable energy up to 23% in the composition of the national energy mix by 2025.

“For a period of four years, the CoE will focus on supporting the efforts to support the development of the 35 GW electrification programs, of which 25% or about 8.8 GW will come from renewable energy.”

Fatih Birol, IEA Executive Director who co-hosted the event, added: “The IEA firmly believes that the global transition to a clean energy system requires a new era of collaboration, on a scale the world has never seen. The IEA’s partnership with the Indonesia Centre of Excellence is a great step forward in this direction.”

More than 1,000 leaders from government, industry, research and development organizations gathered on February 11, 2015 for the Bali Clean Energy Forum, IEA’s press release reads.