SEAI Chief Executive joins IEA, leaves SEAI

Authorities & Government

Brian Motherway will leave his CEO post in the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) to take up a new role in IEA.

According to SEAI, Motherway will formally resign from the CEO post on December 2, 2015, to take up a new role as Head of the Energy Efficiency Division with the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, France.

Julie O’Neill, Chair of the SEAI Board, said: “Brian has been a committed and skilled CEO and has been a champion for sustainable energy opportunities in Ireland. His experience, insight, and his work in the enhancement of SEAI as a national strategic state agency cannot be underestimated and these skills will stand him well in his new role with IEA.”

The recruitment process to appoint a new CEO for SEAI will now begin with a public competition, which will be conducted through the Public Appointments Service.

SEAI is Ireland’s national energy agency that aims to transform Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices.

IEA is an autonomous organisation that facilitates the global energy dialogue, providing research, statistics and recommendations.

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Image: SEAI