BSI issues offshore renewable energy guide

Research & Development

British Standards Institution (BSI), a UK-based business standards company, has published a new guide on undertaking environmental impact assessments for offshore wind, wave and tidal projects.

PD 6900 Environmental impact assessment for offshore renewable energy projects guide was developed by BSI with the input from RenewableUK, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and Marine Scotland amongst others.

PD 6900 surveys recent environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for offshore renewable energy projects, in order to identify practices to follow and unnecessary processes that can be avoided.

The document covers existing guidance and issues and gives some recommendations on how these can be addressed. It contains examples of good practice, case studies and engagement plans.

Topics covered by PD 6900 include:

  • Screening,
  • Scoping,
  • Preliminary environmental information,
  • Determining environmental impacts,
  • Environmental statement,
  • Mitigation and monitoring plans,
  • Consultation and communication.

David Fatscher, Head of Market Development for Sustainability at BSI, said: “The development and delivery of standards is important for driving the industrialization of offshore renewable energy. Appropriate standards create a foundation for growth based upon recognized benchmarks of quality and promote UK competitiveness by reducing barriers to international trade.”

PD 6900 is intended for all those who have a role in the consenting of offshore renewable energy projects, including developers, consultants and regulators.

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Image: RenewableUK/Illustration