Top news, March 30 – April 5, 2015

Tidal Energy Today Staff has compiled the top news from tidal and wave energy industry from March 30 – April 5, 2015.

Atlantis-orders-Lockheed-Martins-tidal-turbine-for-Meygen-1024x614Lockheed Martin to deliver tidal turbine for Meygen

Atlantis has placed an order to Lockheed Martin to supply the company with AR1500 1.5 MW tidal turbine for the Meygen tidal project. Lockheed Martin is tasked with the manufacturing of the steel turbine housing, the assembly of all the turbine modules, including the gearbox and generator. The delivery of the turbine is scheduled for 2016.

Simply-Blue-Energy-to-develop-wave-farm-off-CornwallSimply Blue Energy to develop wave farm off Cornwall

Simply Blue Energy and Wave Hub have signed a contract to develop a wave farm off Cornwall. The farm will be located at the Wave Hub facility approximately 16 km off Hayle on the north coast of Cornwall at the Wave Hub power research site. The completion of the project is estimated for early 2017, with around 200 Seabased generators installed at the Wave Hub facility. Their combined power output will be 10 MW.

Nagasaki-to-create-test-site-for-marine-renewablesNagasaki to create test site for marine renewables

Nagasaki prefecture, Japan, plans to develop a testing site for renewable marine energy to aid research and development of this sector. The government will include marine renewables experiment sites in the projects for the current fiscal year. The testing sites are expected to create 50 jobs and secure regular customers by 2022, and will be based on Goto islands.


Tidal Energy Today Staff