Top news, March 16 – 22, 2015

Tidal Energy Today Staff has compiled the top news from tidal and wave energy industry from March 15 – 22, 2015.

UK Budget 2015 boosts Swansea tidal projectUK Budget 2015 boosts Swansea tidal project

Chancellor George Osborne has announced that the UK government is entering formal negotiations on financing subsidy for the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon project, which will establish whether a Contract for Difference (CFD) for a potential tidal lagoon is affordable and value for money for consumers. Chancellor George Osborne said: “We’re opening negotiations on the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon.”

WES-launches-power-take-off-systems-RD-callWES launches GBP 7 mln power take-off systems R&D call

WES has issued a competitive project call for innovative power take-off (PTO) systems. Applications are invited from innovative technology developers who require investment to advance their technology. Successful applicants will be eligible for contracts that cover up to 100 percent of the cost of their technology development project, and contracts will range from between GBP 100.000 and GBP 4 mln, depending on the maturity of the technology.

UK-Wave-and-Tidal-require-fresh-funding-approachUK joint effort to advance wave and tidal industry

The Crown Estate, Marine Scotland and Welsh Government will jointly fund the running of the secretariat function for the new ORJIP for Ocean Energy. Aquatera, Marine Space and EMEC will receive the funding to run the programme that aims to ensure the tidal and wave consenting risks are addressed in a strategic and co-ordinated manner, avoiding duplication of efforts which will consequently lead to a delay reduction in the projects.

EMEC-Cable-strumming-poses-the-greatest-risk-for-subsea-cablesEMEC: Cable strumming poses the greatest risk for subsea cables

EMEC and the Crown Estate have issued the ‘Sub-sea Cable Lifecycle Study’ to support the development of commercial wave and tidal energy sites. The report concludes that in sites with high tidal flow the greatest risk to subsea cables is the effect of cable strumming – vibration caused by the flow of water past the cable.


Tidal Energy Today Staff