Netherlands sets tender date for energy innovation projects
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has set the opening tender date for energy innovation projects demonstration (DEI) for April 1, 2015.
The innovation projects will be awarded funding for the demonstration of products, processes or services.
The funding will be granted for projects which demonstrate technologies that save energy or generate renewable energy.
The DEI grant’s aim is to ease the transition to commercial sector for the companies, both domestically and internationally.
The projects that are eligible to apply to the tender are those from wind and solar, aero thermal, hydrothermal, geothermal and ocean rewables sector, as well as hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment and biogas sector.
The submission deadline for tender applications is set for April 28, 2015.
The second tender will be organized on July 1 and it will run until October 27, 2015.
Netherlands Enterprise Agency is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and its aim is to help enterprenuers in sustainable, agrarian, innovative and international business with grants, finding business partners, and compliance with laws and regulations.
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Image: RVO/Illustration