ETRI Projections for tidal and wave 2010-2050

Authorities & Government

The Joint Research Centre (JRC), a European Commission’s science service, has published ETRI 2014 – Energy Technology Reference Indicator projections report for 2010-2050, including estimates for wave and tidal electricity generation.

The ETRI 2014 report presents a comprehensive and up-to-date cost and performance overview of the European energy technology portfolio for the period 2010 to 2050.

To produce the ETRI report, current data were collected and analysed by JRC experts, mainly using sources from the public domain.

Tidal Power

CAPEX Breakdown for tidal power
CAPEX Breakdown for tidal power

According to the report, the cost components included in the CAPEX estimate for tidal energy are civil and structural costs (31%), major equipments costs (46%), and balance of plan costs.

Electrical and I&C supply and installation (7%), project indirect costs (16%) and development costs are also inluded.


The report states that the future power rating of tidal plants is uncertain, hence ranges are given up to 2050. The upper limit for current CAPEX estimates are used in the near-term. Long-term estimate is aligned with the future predictions.

Techno-economic data for tidal energy
Techno-economic data for tidal energy


Wave Power

CAPEX Breakdown for wave power
CAPEX Breakdown for wave power

The cost components included in the CAPEX estimate for Wave energy are civil and structural costs (38%), major equipment costs (42%), balance of plant costs.

Electrical and I&C supply and installation (8%), project indirect costs (7%), and development costs are also figured in.



Similar to tidal energy estimates, the future power rating of wave power plants is also uncertain, hence ranges are given up to 2050. The upper limits for current CAPEX estimates are used in the near-term. Long-term estimates are aligned to the future predictions.

Techno-economic data for wave energy
Techno-economic data for wave energy


Image: SETIS