Ian Macfarlane announces additional USD 10 mln investment in Carnegie

Authorities & Government

At the formal opening of the Perth Wave Energy Project, Minister for Industry and Science, Ian Macfarlane announced that the Government is planning to invest additional USD 10 mln in Carnegie Wave.

Australian Government already invested around USD 10 mln in Carnegie Wave through ARENA (Austarlian Renwable Energy Agency).

The additional investment is set for the development of Carnegie’s CETO 6 technology.

The CETO 6 wave energy devices are designed with an increased output of up to 1 MW power capacity, aimed at being demonstrated in a 3 MW project, scheduled for construction in 2016.

Ian Macfarlane said: “The Australian Government is investing further to support advances in wave technology, through a second tranche of funding of AUD 13 mln (USD 10 mln) for Carnegie’s CETO 6 Project – which is in its preliminary design phase.”

Image: minister.industry.gov.au