MARINET’s 6th call open for marine renewables developers

Authorities & Government

Companies, entrepreneurs and groups working in the area of marine renewable energy, based in the EU or in FP7-associated States are eligible to participate in the latest MARINET’s call offering free access to Europe’s leading test facilities.

As a first step, the user, or the group leader must contact the Infrastructure Manager in order to confirm the suitability/feasibility of the test plan for the Infrastructure.

This step is mandatory in order to ensure the feasibility of applications.

The call closing date is March 2, 2015. The successful applications will be announced on March 27, 2015.

The facilities included in this call are as follows:

MARINET (Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network) is an EC-funded infrastructure initiative comprising a network of research centres and organisations that are working together to accelerate the development and commercial deployment of these technologies.