U.S. Oil and Gas Leasing DPP opposition in favor of marine renewables

Authorities & Government

Southeast Alaska Conservation Council, Oregon and Washington Congressional Delegation Members and thirty-six Members of Congress have opposed US Government’s Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program (2017-2022) – in favor of marine renewables, including wave and tidal energy.

US Government has issued an Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program which sets forth procedures for leasing, exploration, and development and production of those resources.

On June 16, 2014 the Government had issued a request for information regarding the preparation of the above mentioned program. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) sent letters to the state Governors and the heads of interested Federal agencies requesting their input.

The responses received include Southeast Alaska Conservation Council’s comment which opposes the inclusion of Alaska OCS in the 2017-2022 Program, and all future leasing actions suggesting that the continental shelf be developed for wave-action and tidal generation.

Oregon and Washington Congressional Delegation Members oppose Oil and Gas DPP requesting that BOEM maintains their focus on wave, tidal and wind methods for generating energy from the ocean. The Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center at Oregon State University (NNMREC-OSU) has applied to BOEM for a research lease about 10 km offshore Newport, Oregon, for creating a marine hydrokinetic (MHK) grid-connected ocean test facility, to demonstrate the viability of wave energy generation. In 2014, BOEM determined that there was no competitive interest in the OCS offshore Newport, Oregon, where NNMREC-OSU has proposed the MHK research facility.

Thirty-six Members of Congress have also requested that all planning areas in the Atlantic be excluded from the 2017–2022 Program, noting that tidal and marine hydrokinetic power could be an environmentally safer offshore energy source.

By law, the federal government must take eight factors into consideration as this program is developed including:

  • Location of areas considered for leasing with respect to other uses of the sea and seabed
  • Environmental sensitivity and marine productivity
  • Environmental studies and impact analyses, including findings of Environmental Impact Statements prepared for a Five Year Program

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Source/Image: BOEM