IEC TC-114 requests research proposals from Canada

Authorities & Government

SMC/IEC TC-114 is requesting research proposals from Canadian industry and academic groups which would accelerate the development of international marine energy technical specification and standards currently being developed through IEC/TC 114.

One of the key focuses of the research is the assessment of uncertainty in wave energy converter power production. Objective of that research is to generate and collate wave energy converter power production measurements with concurrent wave measurement data.

This request for proposals is supported by the funding received through ecoEII project, RENE-048: ”Development of Codes and Standards for Marine Energy – Wave and Tidal Energy Converters”.

The proposals must be submitted to Marine Renewables Canada by February 13, 2015.

IEC TC-114 is the committee that, since 2008, has been developing international technical specifications and standards for marine energy conversion systems. The primary focus is on conversion of wave, tidal and other water current energy into electrical energy, although other conversion methods, systems and products are included.

Image: Marine Renewables Canada