
Principle Power joins DeepWind cluster

Business & Finance

Principle Power has joined the DeepWind cluster to promote the development of deepwater offshore wind in the UK.

Principle Power

Principle Power said that DeepWind is an excellent vehicle to further deepen its relationship with local and international stakeholders and suppliers in order to drive the UK floating wind industry forward, particularly in the context of the ScotWind leasing round.

“In our work last year as part of the Renewable UK/Scottish Renewables Floating Wind Task Force we highlighted the potential for floating wind to grow the market for UK skills, products, and expertise,” said Cian Conroy, Principle Power Senior Manager.

By participating in and supporting the work of the DeepWind Cluster, running in parallel with the awarding and development of the ScotWind sites, this will be a key enabler of the energy transition in the UK.”

DeepWind, created in April 2019, is one of eight clusters formed as part of the UK Offshore Wind Sector Deal. Its aim is to increase the competitiveness and capability of the Scottish supply chain.

Scotland officially launched the ScotWind seabed leasing round for offshore wind projects on 10 June, offering a capacity of up to 10 GW over an area of circa 8,600km2.