VIDEO: EEL Tidal Energy Converter

Research & Development

The EEL Tidal Energy Converter consists of a membrane that optimizes energy transfer by coupling fluid flow with an undulating structure.

The membrane undulates under moving fluid pressure. This periodic motion is transformed into electricity by an electromechanical system.

Energy is converted along the whole length of the membrane surface. A monitoring loop ensures optimized energy conversion in response to changes in flow conditions and power transmitted.

The EEL Tidal Energy Converter is estimated to produce up to 5 MW of power, with low start up velocities of 0.4 m/s.

Energy is converted directly into electricity on the machine, and its reduced dimensions allow high density of units per area in harvest farm.

Franck Sylvain, Finance Director of EEL, spoke about the next steps of EEL energy at ITES 2014 Conference in London: “We will have prototype scale 1:1 at the end of June 2016, and the sea trials will begin in Scotland in the second half of 2016. Three additional scale 1:1 prototypes will be available by the end of 2017, before certification and eventual deployment.”

Take a look at the video of EEL Tidal Energy Converter being tested in a water tank.

Source/Image: EEL Energy