
NASH Maritime wins consultancy contract for Welsh floater

Project & Tenders

NASH Maritime has been selected as the shipping and navigation consultant for the 96 MW Erebus floating wind project in the Celtic Sea offshore Wales, UK.

Principle Power

NASH Maritime’s scope includes the delivery of radar vessel traffic surveys, which commenced this month, a Navigation Risk Assessment (NRA) and input to the offshore Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which is being led by ITPE Limited and MarineSpace.

The UK-based company will manage and deliver the two-year contract from its Southampton headquarters with support from the wider consultancy and survey team.

“The award of this project is an important step in the continued growth of our company and aligns with our strategy of being a lead provider of shipping and navigation services to the continually expanding offshore renewables sectors as well as to wider sectors including shipping, ports and energy,” said Ed Rogers, Project Director at NASH Maritime.

Blue Gem Wind, the joint venture of Simply Blue Energy and Total, is developing floating offshore wind sites in Welsh waters of the Celtic Sea.

Erebus represents the first demonstration site, located approximately 44 kilometers southwest of the Pembrokeshire coastline.