Environment Minister Karen Ellemann anounces new location for test center (Denmark)

Authorities & Government

After a long debate, the Environment Minister Karen Ellemann has announced that is has now been decided that the test center with 250 meter high wind turbines is to be located in Østerild in Thy.

The purpose of the new test center is to test the future’s offshore wind turbines with a height of up to 250 meters on land.

Negotiations have just been finalised and the government managed to pass its proposal for a test center in Østerild. The government received broad support for the plan from the Social Democrats, SF and the Danish People’s Party.

The centre will be 2,960 hectares big and allow for 5-7 mills, which can be up to 250 meters high. The wind turbine industry will by the test centre get the test facilities that are needed to maintain Denmark’s leading position in the market.


Source: copcap, May 31, 2010;