Repairs to Start on Flood Defences at Snettisham and Heacham (UK)

Business & Finance

Repairs to Start on Flood Defences at Snettisham and Heacham.

The Environment Agency has started emergency repairs to the damaged sea defences at Shepherds Port in Snettisham and at Heacham Dam.

The defences were damaged last Thursday when the most serious tidal surge for over 60 years washed part of the shingle flood bank away.

The shingle bank between the Heacham North beach and Snettisham has lost significant quantities of material and has a number of holes – the largest being around 8 metres long.

The emergency repairs are vital to protect over 3,000 properties from flooding.

Julie Foley, Area Manager for the Environment Agency, said: “Our teams have quickly recognised the risk to people and properties in this area and have started emergency repairs on the flood defences as soon as possible.

“We are concentrating on filling the holes in the flood defences and using material from the beach to reinstate the banks where possible.

“Because of the extensive damage to the flood defences, it may not be possible to restore them to the same level of protection as before in the short term.

“We are continuing to work with our partners to recover from the tidal surge and ensure that everyone affected is protected from flooding as much as possible.”

The initial emergency repairs are expected to be completed by Monday 16 December.


Press Release, December 13, 2013