Dutch, Egyptian MoU Signed

Business & Finance

Egypt and the Netherlands have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will expand their current cooperation in water management sector.

Over the next five years the two countries will initiate new cooperation on the issues of water resource management and protection of Egypt’s northern coast.

Egypt’s Water Resources and Irrigation Minister, Hossam Moghazy and Melanie Schultz van Haegen, the Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and Environment, signed the new MoU in Cairo yesterday. The two countries have a longstanding cooperation in water management, spanning for more than 38 years.

While in Egypt, the Dutch minister together with a trade delegation also discussed the development of new ports and logistic hubs along the Suez canal that is currently being expanded.

The new Suez Canal project, inaugurated by the President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, bagan on August 11th 2014. Recently two foreign consortia have been contracted for the next phase of this mega-project. One of the consortia involves two Dutch dredging companies Van Oord and Boskalis.

During her stay in Egypt minister Schultz van Haegen will also meet Admiral Mameesh, chairman of the Suez Canal Authority.

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Press Release