IADC Webinar on Insurance Act 2015 Set for June 21

Business & Finance

The International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) has announced that their webinar, named Insurance Act 2015 – Duty of Fair Presentation of Risks to Insurers, will take place on June 21, at 14.00 hrs (CET).

The speaker, Mr André Meijer, has over 50 years of experience in the marine insurance industry and has given numerous presentations to employees of dredging companies.

The new Insurance Law urges maritime companies to implement procedure upgrades for sharing risk information. Poor communication will lead to crucial financial impact, IADC said.

The webinar will focus on the pitfalls and dangers of the new Insurance Law and this can help your organisation respond to the new Duty of Fair Presentation part of this law,” the official announcement stated.

The new Insurance Act 2015 applies to all key maritime contractor’s policies such as: Construction All Risks (CAR) – Design Liability – General Liability; Hull – P&I – Towage – War, Mines and Terrorism risks for Offshore and Dredging Equipment, said IADC.