Officials Call for Emergency Dredging of Moriches Bay

Business & Finance

Congressman Lee Zeldin has once again called on the Army Corps to undertake an immediate emergency dredging of the Long Island Intracoastal Waterway, Moriches Inlet, and Moriches Bay.

Following his previous letter (February 17) to Colonel Thomas D. Asbery, Commander New York District, Congressman Zeldin has sent another one, calling for the emergency dredging of the waterways.

After three strong and unprecedented recent winter storms, not only has the situation significantly deteriorated in Moriches Bay and throughout the entire Long Island Intracoastal Waterway, but sand has virtually closed Moriches Inlet,” Congressman Zeldin wrote.

This inlet provides critical access to the Atlantic Ocean and has allowed some boats to bypass the shoaling problems of Moriches Bay. The threat of a triple closure of the Intracoastal Waterway, Bay and Inlet, however, will guarantee a major blow to marine related businesses across eastern Suffolk County and increase overall danger to boating safety,” he added.

According to him, failure to dredge these vital waterways will not only cause economic hardship and create a public safety crisis, but will bring about significant environmental issues.

For a signed PDF copy of the letter click here.