Maldives: Guraidhoo Harbor Inaugurated

Business & Finance

K. Guraidhoo harbor was officially inaugurated last month, June 24, by Yameen Abdul Gayoom, the President of the Maldives, the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company Plc (MTCC) said in their latest announcement. 

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The construction of the 281 long and 142m wide harbor started in February, 2014 and the project was successfully completed in October, 2017.

According to MTCC, the scope of work for this project included construction of rock boulder breakwater and revetment and quay wall.

Guraidhoo is one of the islands in a group of islands that the government has designated to be reclaimed as part of the land reclamation project implemented by Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.

The proposed reclamation and coastal protection project consists of the reclamation of the shallow lagoon west and south of Guriadhoo and undertaking the coastal protection to protect the reclaimed land.