Kitimat Dredging Program Begins

Business & Finance
Image source: LNG Canada

The arrival of the carrier ship Transshelf marks the beginning of the Port of Kitimat dredging program, aimed to ensure safe passage of vessels by increasing the depth of berthing areas.

Image source: LNG Canada

This seasonally-sensitive work ensures the project is well-positioned to meet schedule requirements should LNG Canada’s Joint Venture Participants take a Final Investment Decision later in 2018,” LNG Canada said in its latest announcement.

According to the company, the dredging contractor – Boskalis – will request safety zones to be 300m to 500m away from the vessel engaged in dredging activities. They have also sent a Notice to Shipping advising non-project marine vessel operators of the appropriate safety distances requested.

Dredging is taking place on the industrial side of the port. It’s in the vicinity of Rio Tinto, former Methanex and former Eurocan wharfs. Dredging will not pose any issue for small commercial vessels, pleasure craft and fishing vessels operating out of MK Bay, Kitimaat Village or Minette Bay marinas that stay south and east of the former Eurocan wharf,” the company stated.

The removal of contaminated sediments during these dredging activities, and the addition of salt marsh and eelgrass habitat will be a significant enhancement to the marine habitat, LNG Canada concluded.