New IHC Beaver Vigilance Kicks Off Dredging Work

Business & Finance
Image source: PAD

The Port Authority of Douala’s (PAD) new IHC Beaver 50 cutter suction dredger (CSD) officially started its operations on February 26, 2020.

Image source: PAD

The PAD’s Department of Dredging and Maritime Logistics teams have successfully completed the testing process and dredging works already kicked off in the berths 3 to 5 turning areas.

These spots are the part on the Wouri River where ships turn directly as they leave the quays to depart from the Port of Douala-Bonabéri, heading out to sea.

IHC Beaver CSDs are reliable, fuel efficient, have low maintenance costs and are extremely productive at all dredging depths.

To date, Royal IHC has supplied more than 800 of these standard cutter suction dredgers worldwide.

The new dredger – named Vigilance – will also be used to clear the port’s access channel, docks, as well as other water bodies in the area.