UK: Partrac Continues to Support Offshore Wind Sector

Ports & Logistics


Partrac continues to support the offshore wind sector through the delivery of oceanographic, environmental, geophysical and hydrographic coastal surveys.

Some of Partrac’s greatest offshore wind survey achievements have been in long term metocean monitoring projects. The company has undertaken long term measurement campaigns at the Beatrice and MORL wind farm sites in the Moray Firth, at four sites on the east coast of Scotland and are currently completing the long term metocean measurement campaign for SSE Renewables off the west coast of Islay.

Partrac continue to offer a one stop shop in relation to marine scour. The commercial offering is based upon provision of scour evaluation, scour monitoring and measurement services, and design of scour mitigation. Recent work includes scour potential desk studies (they have worked on the Thanet and Teeside developments, amongst others), scour monitoring (they have collected measurements around the jackup legs on the Teesside geotechnical site investigation) and scour inspection (they have completed a high resolution bathymetric and ROV survey for the Inner Gabbard met mast foundation). They have also completed a preliminary scour mitigation options appraisal for the Teesside development.


Offshore WIND staff, May 17, 2012