
OceanWise boosts EMEC data management

IT & Software

EMEC recently embarked on a project with OceanWise to further improve geographic information system and data management capabilities.


OceanWise delivered training in data management, QGIS and supported EMEC to convert its existing diverse datasets into a geospatial database.

They also linked QGIS to existing data systems and implemented metadata management across the business.

OceanWise also assisted EMEC to update its data policy and strategy and prepare a roadmap to include data management.

David Darbinyan, senior metocean engineer at EMEC explained:

“OceanWise provided EMEC with valuable support in managing our diverse datasets.

“OceanWise not only provided a high-level overview of best data management practices, but also supplied very concrete and hands-on steps to improve our existing approach.

“The feedback allowed us to take full advantage of our existing Integrated Management System tools and processes.”

What is data management?

Data is often thought to be the responsibility of the IT, ICT or IS department.

However, in reality, it is the responsibility of everyone in the business – a key part of the business management infrastructure, much like quality management or health and safety.

Of course, systems and software have their role and can provide the ‘pipework’ or ‘plumbing’, but everyone is responsible for the data flowing through the pipes.

OceanWise 10 steps to Data Management Success describes the key steps organisations must take to improve their data management.