UK: London Array Laying Final Export Cable


UK: London Array Laying Final Export Cable

In early September the London Array Consortium started installing London Array’s last export cable.

The export cables run from offshore substations to the onshore substation at Cleve Hill, where the power generated by London Array will flow into the national electricity network.

The cables have been buried in trenches dug into the seabed and as well as transporting electricity they also include fibre optic wires, so the consortium can communicate remotely with the wind turbines.

By the time work is complete, 220km of export cabling will have been laid, with each of the four cables being a continuous length of just over 50km.

To make sure that the works haven’t caused problems for other sea users, the consortium worked closely with relevant organisations to let them know about the plans through weekly updates.

The London Array consortium is thankful to all local sea users and organisations.


Offshore WIND staff, October 05, 2012; Image: londonarray