UK: Solstad Charters Normand Tonjer for Gwynt y Mor Offshore Wind Farm

UK: Solstad Charters Normand Tonjer for Gwynt y Mor Offshore Wind Farm

Solstad Shipping announced that the company has signed a contract with Gwynt y Mor Offshore Wind Farm Limited, on behalf of developers RWE Innogy, Stadwerke München and Siemens , to charter CSV “Normand Tonjer”.

The contract will last 17 months and it will commence this month, as soon as the vessel completes its current task.

The company has also signed a new 230 day-long charter-in contract with Visser & Smit Marine Contracting BV (VSMC) for the CSV “Normand Flower”. The contract includes 80-day paid standby period with an option for another three month-long extension.

The value of these contracts is USD 26.38 million.


Offshore WIND staff, December 10, 2012; Image: solstad