JFD Australia Nets Defence Deal from DSTG


JFD Australia has secured a $7.2 million contract from the Australian Government Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG).

The contract is to build and pressure test ring stiffened cylinders modelling submarine-like hulls .

The hull is the most structurally important part of a submarine as it allows the submarine to withstand incredible amounts of water pressure as it dives deep below the ocean’s surface.

Working with the DSTG, Australian partners and JFD’s global testing centre in Scotland, JFD Australia will assist DSTG to test and validate analysis methods and procedures that will be relied upon in the future for assurance and acceptance of the pressure hull design of the Australian Attack Class Submarine.

It is impossible to underestimate the critical significance of a submarine+s hull or the expertise and experience required to ensure it is pressure tested to the world’s highest possible safety standards,” said Toff Idrus, managing director, JFD Australia.

Safety will always be JFD’s number one priority, notably keeping Australian submariners safe.

“As the prime system integrator, JFD Australia will partner with other leading Western Australian defence industry firms over the duration of the four-year contract which will focus on testing three pressure vessels to simulate a submarine hull and apply pressure to the point where the hull collapses.”

It will be managed from JFD Australia’s headquarters and advanced production centre in Bibra Lake, south of Perth where a project management team has already started preliminary work on engineering and fabrication for the test cylinders.

Specialized transport crates, cradles and pallets and packaging needed for transportation will be made at JFD’s manufacturing and fabrication facilities at Warners Bay near Newcastle.

JFD’s hydrostatic testing facility in Aberdeen, Scotland, will be used for the final pressure tests.

This is an excellent example of Australian defence industry companies working together to deliver a world-class service and with the added global backing of JFD through its world-leading capability in pressure testing,” added Idrus.