UK: Challenge Navitus to Present Alternative View of Navitus Bay OWF Tomorrow

UK: Challenge Navitus to Present Alternative View of Navitus Bay OWF Tomorrow

Tomorrow on March 23 residents of the Bournemouth’s coast will have an opportunity to see the proposed Navitus Bay offshore wind farm in alternative images, which have been prepared by a campaigning group Challenge Navitus.

Councillors from Bournemouth’s seven coastal wards have organized the meeting in the Royal Bath Hotel at 1.30pm, where Challenge Navitus and the new Poole and Christchurch Bays Association representatives will be speaking about the offshore wind proposal.

“Navitus have had three exhibitions to display their own images of how it might look, but some have called into question their accuracy,” Daily Echo news site cites central ward councillor Mike Greene.

“With the public consultation deadline of April 5 approaching we want residents to have as clear a picture of what this might look like as possible,” he added.


Offshore WIND Staff, March 22, 2013; Image: Challenge Navitus