Kongsberg Introduces Its New Sub-Bottom Profiling System

Business & Finance

Kongsberg Maritime is launching new ‘GeoPulse Compact’ Sub-Bottom Profiler system at Oceanology International 2018.

Designed to deliver data while using only 11% of the power requirements of previous generation systems, GeoPulse Compact will be available in two versions; a compact Over the Side (OTS) mounted version and a towed version which Kongsberg Maritime will showcase on Oceanology.

GeoPulse Compact is a sub-bottom profiling system featuring digital processing and waveform selection technology that enables the appropriate pulse-shape, power signature and configuration to be selected for the job in hand, whether it’s mapping the geology in deep oceans or determining mud thickness in a silted harbour. Depending upon the survey task the user can choose waveforms in the frequency band of 2-18kHz, optimising resolution and sub-seafloor penetration.

The system is designed for versatile deployments, with a range of mounting options available from fixed installations on dedicated survey vessels, to towed systems and portable mounting on vessels of opportunity. Regardless of deployment type, the system is operated directly from a computer using the supplied GP1000 software, which interfaces to the deck unit via Ethernet.

“We have designed GeoPulse Compact to offer significant new advantages to end-users,” said Dr Richard Dowdeswell, general manager of Kongsberg GeoAcoustics. “While offering reduced power consumption the system still provides incredibly accurate data and long mission duration, while its deployment flexibility makes it easy to install on a wide variety of craft, making it suitable for a range of diverse applications.”