TCarta Marine and Proteus Geo Combine

Business & Finance

TCarta Marine has merged with Proteus Geo to create a global mapping company that provides bathymetric and marine data sets from the shallow coastal zone out to the continental shelf.

The new company is called TCarta Marine and will maintain offices in Denver and Oxford.

“By merging, we believe the merged company provides a wider and more sophisticated range of products than any other supplier worldwide,” said TCarta Marine CEO David Critchley. “TCarta Marine is now a one-stop shop for bathymetric and marine data.”

TCarta Marine will continue offering all existing product lines from the two companies as well as new products and services under development. Primary markets served will be engineering, oil & gas, government and defense with expansion planned into the insurance, 3D modeling and aquaculture industries.

“Our goal is to make it easier for the marine community to obtain and use quality mapping data,” said TCarta Marine president Kyle Goodrich. “To support every phase of offshore projects, we now offer lower resolution bathymetry for regional planning as well as high-resolution, highly accurate seafloor modeling for precise coastal engineering activities. Additionally, we offer a range of global and regional marine basemaps.”