PSA Inspects Statoil’s Åsgard Subsea Compression Project

Operations & Maintenance

The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway carried out an audit of the Åsgard subsea compression project on May 28.

The objective of the audit was to obtain an update and status for the project and to verify that it is being planned and executed in compliance with the regulatory requirements.

PSA informed that no non-conformities were identified.

An improvement point was identified in connection with the maintenance programme.

Statoil has been given a deadline of 25 September 2015 to report on how the improvement point will be dealt with, PSA wrote.

Åsgard is among the largest developments on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Subsea gas compression technology will boost falling gas pressures from Åsgard’s two subsea satellites, Midgard and Mikkel.

The technology will increase recovery from Mikkel and Midgard by around 280 million barrels of oil equivalent.

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